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Defining Sustainable Fashion

Lets be honest the concept of sustainable fashion can be a little intimidating and even overwhelming. What does it even mean to make fashion sustainable?

Sustainable fashion is and can be many things. The general definition describes it as "products, processes, activities, and people that aim to achieve a carbon-neutral fashion industry built on equality, social justice, animal welfare, and ecological integrity".

In terms of this blog, I want to define sustainable fashion not only as a practice that can be developed over time but also as a personal creative endeavor. One that consists of small choices that make an impact and reduce the way we contribute to fashion waste. Fashion is all about self-expression and creativity and I have found that in practicing sustainable fashion myself, I have been able to dive even deeper into these aspects, especially with buying second-hand and exploring upcycling.

In short, its all about being mindful and aware of the ways we participate in the harmful ways of the fashion industry and discovering the changes we can make while also having some fun in the process. The main goal of Better Fashion is to introduce sustainable fashion as a creative and fulfilling practice and embrace the unconventional.

So if you're looking to change the way you do fashion and incorporate more sustainable choices, then follow along as I hash out the many ways you can get started on your sustainable fashion journey!

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